3D Printing



Pre-Submission Info

Tips for a Successful Job Submission

1.  Reach out to us to discuss your project.

2.  Create  a drawing of your piece.  The 3D printer only accepts .stl files.

3.  Fill out the Submission Form to the right and upload your drawing.


Two options are available:

Standard Nylon (biocompatible)

Onyx from Markforged

Onyx is a hybrid composite of nylon mixed with chopped carbon fiber that "offers a high-strength thermoplastic with excellent heat resistance, surface finish, and chemical resistance,"  according to Markforged's website.

Max Build Volume 

320mm x 132mm x 145mm





Onyx Material Properties Data Sheet




3D Printing
Submission Form


Indicates required field
Your Name
Activity-Fund-Function-Cost Center
Please upload your labeled drawing here.
One file only.
4 MB limit.
Allowed types: .stl.
4 MB limit per form.